Wherever one travels on this earth life surprises. Life surprises us even when our travels are inward, rhetorical, or merely philosophical. If we venture forth, life teaches us that the world is not flat, but rather all its ends connected.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Dreams of Vietnam

I had an increadible dream that put me as a soldier in Vietnam. I met some very realistic characters including an older black soldier named Fields who had been a teacher in DC and a National Guard soldier, helping other inner-city kids improve themselves. I visited a hotel where tremendously corrupt individuals were crafting business with each side, ate at a counter where slices of marinatted meet were layered with garnish, pushed into waves then skewered.

At one point, I saw the clouds all moving quickly, falling from one place to another in the sky, and taking the shape of many separate human skulls.

When I first got there, they didn't have firearms for us, but told us that firearms would be made available to us in the event of an attack. Someone referred to me as a member of a team using a codeword that I had not heard since the 70's.

During one isolated interlude, I was with others in tall grass, falling back toward a river. The enemy was coming and we were trapped in the small delta area. No shooting, however.

Note that I was never in-country in Vietnam like this dream portrayed.

My first day, I had been allowed to get lost. I didn't realize that others in my group were following me and keeping tabs on my travels. That night, many were passed out. One guy had painted himself army green. I heard somebody reporting to a leader that they had observed that I made a point of talking to everybody who I met.


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